About Me - Robbi Walls

Headshot of Robbi

I first learned HTML in the waning days of the text-based web and the dawn of Netscape and the graphical interface. As a volunteer with the community network, Charlotte's Web, I was the "webmaster" for a Jobs postings page and the very first web site of Discovery Place. These pages and more were maintained and hosted at no charge. As one of the first 100,000 members of AOL, I became fascinated with all things WEB.
At IBM I participated in development of one of the early banking applications and customized sets of pages for Bank of America, Washington Mutual Bank and Michigan National Bank.

My Family

The step-children are grown and out of the house. Now it's me, my husband, Scott, and our 2 dogs and 2 cats.

Me, Scott and the dogs
Me with Lola, Scott with Bitsy
Eddie the cat
Eddie and his sister...
Eddie's sister, Shadow
Lola and Bitsy, the dogs
Bitsy as a little pup with Lola